PI Partner - PI Midlantic

The #1 Predictive Index
Partner in the World

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Predictive Index Experts

PI Midlantic is the largest PI-certified provider in the country, with clients ranging from small, family-owned businesses to multi-national corporations. What does that mean for you? Our consultants have the experience and range to help you leverage the Predictive Index for your own company, working side-by-side to help you understand your data.

We call that Winning Together.

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Number of Clients
Years in Service

Add Rigor To Your Hiring Process with PI Midlantic

Step 1: Job Assessment

You can’t make a smart hire without knowing what behaviors and cognitive abilities the role requires. Benchmark your top performers and facilitate a discussion to establish critical factors for the role. At PI Midlantic, we’ll help you create a Job Target before posting your job ad so your hiring team isn’t shooting in the dark.

Step 2: Workforce Assessments

Send each potential candidate the  PI Behavioral Assessment™ and the  PI Cognitive Assessment™ to help determine their overall fit for the role. PI assessment links can even be embedded within your job ads.

Step 3: Match Your Candidates

Match your candidates to a behavioral and cognitive profile, focus on the top matches, and target your questions to understand each candidate’s strengths. The interview process should not be an unstructured conversation. With PI Midlantic’s Interview Guide, you can target the conversation, better understand fits and gaps pertaining to the role and further explore any areas of misalignment.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We’d love to help you reach your organizational goals and are happy to answer any questions.

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